Developing countries require that services management and energy use are guaranteed in a context of sustainable development. To achieve this is necessary to innovate in energy management, give priority to the conservation of nonrenewable energy resources and promote the use of alternative energy sources.

  • Train professionals capable of optimizing the use of energy, both in the public and private sectors.
  • Develop qualified leaders for energy management, including the use of alternative and conventional sources.

Flexibility to study and work simultaneously.

Individualized follow-up by the Faculty.

Multicultural setting and use of cutting-edge technology.

Tecnológico de Monterrey holds accreditations such as: SACS*, CIEES, SEP, and CONACYT**.

* Tecnológico de Monterrey is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (+1) 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Tecnológico de Monterrey

** See the accreditation’s validity of our programs and their benefits in accordance with CONACYT’s provisions, at Mexico’s National Quality Graduate Programs official website.

Professionals with responsibility in energy planning and management processes, including the development, implementation, and assessment of energy management policies.

Comply with the comprehensive evaluation required in the admission process, through an interview conducted by the admissions committee of the graduate program. In addition, the following is necessary:

  1. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree Certificate where the following information is indicated:
    1. The overall GPA.
    2. Completion date of all the subjects of the study plan.
  2. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree.
  3. Motivation letter or essay in which the candidate explains the reasons for his or her interest in the program, his or her potential contribution to it and the area in which he or she wishes to develop professionally.
  4. Curriculum vitae.
  5. When applicable, submit two letters of recommendation in the institutional format, from employers or professors.
  6. When applicable, take the Postgraduate Studies Admission Test (PAEP), and obtain at least 500 points in the adaptive version or its equivalent in other exams authorized by the Institution.
  7. When applicable, obtain at least 550 points in the TOEFL exam or its equivalent in the other exams authorized by the Institution as an instrument to assess the sufficiency of English language proficiency.

*The admission process may change without prior notice from the Admissions Committee

**Admission is the first step: then you can enroll in your graduate program of interest.


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2 years


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Graduates of this program will be able to:

  • Solve optimization problems in energy use
  • Innovate in planning and energy management
  • Evaluate alternatives to the use of renewable sources of energy
  • Generate strategic plans of energy that ensure sustainable development
Antonio Jr. Vallejo Guevara

I am a teacher very committed to the development and learning of my students. With enth...

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Carlos Alberto Huerta Aguilar

Appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford between 2019 and 2020, heis interes...

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Fernando Martell Chávez

Fernando has a B.S. in Electronic Systems Engineering, a M.Sc. in Energy Engineering, a...

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Iván García Kerdan

Dr. Iván García Kerdan is an Associate Professor and Head of the School of Engineering ...

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José Antonio Benjamín Ordóñez Díaz

He is Biologist graduated from the School of Biological Sciences and Doctor of Science ...

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José Ignacio Huertas Cardozo

Mechanical engineer from Universidad de los Andes, Colombia (1988). Master's Degree in ...

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Luis Enrique Camargo Reyes

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Marcelo Javier Fumagal Gómez

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María Magdalena Castro Jaramillo

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Ricargo Ganem Corvera

Dr. Ricardo Gánem Corvera Semblance Physical Engineer from UAM Azcapotzalco and Dr. i...

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Salvador García Rodríguez

Civil Engineer graduated in 1990 (UMSNH), holds a Master's Degree in Construction Engin...

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Sergio Meléndez

Hola, soy de profesión Ingeniero Arquitecto del IPN con más de 30 años de experiencia p...

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Antonio Jr. Vallejo Guevara

I am a teacher very committed to the development and learning of my students. With enth...

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Carlos Alberto Huerta Aguilar

Appointed as a postdoctoral researcher at Stanford between 2019 and 2020, heis interes...

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Fernando Martell Chávez

Fernando has a B.S. in Electronic Systems Engineering, a M.Sc. in Energy Engineering, a...

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Iván García Kerdan

Dr. Iván García Kerdan is an Associate Professor and Head of the School of Engineering ...

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