Nowadays, any type of company, large, small, traditional or online, demands professionals with specialized knowledge in the areas of information technology management. And it does not matter if a company is directly focused on the area of technologies, the reality is that currently they all handle, manage and make use of various frontier technologies, generating a huge amount of information that needs to be processed and managed intelligently to support your business strategies.

 In this context, the Master in Information Technology Management is an educational alternative that arises as a response to the need of local, national and international companies to have professionals specialized in the areas of management and administration of information technologies.  Companies require the knowledge and skills of a person who knows how to communicate transversally and vertically within a company, managing and communicating the needs and solutions to problems related to emerging technologies.

The objective of the Master of Information Technology Management is to train professionals who:

  • Are capable of promoting, with a strategic vision of the organization, the generation of value through information and communication technologies.
  • Are capable of acting as the means of communication between decision makers and designers of growth strategies with new technologies.

Flexibility to study and work simultaneously. Individualized follow-up by the faculty.

Multicultural setting and use of cutting-edge technology.

Tecnológico de Monterrey holds accreditations such as: SACS*, CIEES, SEP, and CONACYT**.

 *Tecnológico de Monterrey is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (+1) 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Tecnológico de Monterrey

**See the accreditation’s validity of our programs and their benefits in accordance with CONACYT’s provisions, at Mexico’s National Quality Graduate Programs official website. 

The MTI program targets people form majors in three different disciplines: Information Technologies, Business Administration or Engineering. The program enables graduates from ICT majors to specialize in technology management, understanding the value of technologies for organizations and becoming proficient in the necessary techniques for their management and the search for business opportunities.
The program enables engineering specialists to delve into information and communications technologies as a tool for transforming an organization?s processes and activities.
MTI offers business or business administration specialists the opportunity to understand the complexity of technology and become proficient in company management techniques in the new paradigm implied by the knowledge society.

Comply with the comprehensive evaluation required in the admission process, through an interview conducted by the admissions committee of the graduate program. In addition, the following is necessary:

  1. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree Certificate where the following information is indicated:
    1. The overall GPA.
    2. Completion date of all the subjects of the study plan.
  2. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree.
  3. Motivation letter or essay in which the candidate explains the reasons for his or her interest in the program, his or her potential contribution to it and the area in which he or she wishes to develop professionally.
  4. Curriculum vitae.
  5. When applicable, submit two letters of recommendation in the institutional format, from employers or professors.
  6. When applicable, take the Postgraduate Studies Admission Test (PAEP), and obtain at least 500 points in the adaptive version or its equivalent in other exams authorized by the Institution.
  7. When applicable, obtain at least 550 points in the TOEFL exam or its equivalent in the other exams authorized by the Institution as an instrument to assess the sufficiency of English language proficiency.

*The admission process may change without prior notice from the Admissions Committee

**Admission is the first step: then you can enroll in your graduate program of interest.

Tecnológico de Monterrey seeks to integrate in all its graduate programs a new generation of students who have completed their studies and who are distinguished by being talented, enthusiastic people, committed to the development of their environment and to the well-being of society; people who have the potential to successfully complete their graduate program and become leaders with an entrepreneurial spirit, human sense and internationally competitive.


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2 years


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The graduate will be able to:

  • Generate value in organizations with a leadership based on the application of information emerging technologies.
  • Understand the business model and unify the global strategy and IT strategy under an innovative scheme.
  • Identify IT projects and required resources, as well as lead the changes necessary to increase competitiveness in a globalized environment.
César Iván González Muñoz

Mi vida profesional empezó en el Tecnológico de Monterrey hace ya 15 años (1999), en do...

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David Ricardo Sol Martínez

Miembro de la facultad en el departamento de Tecnologías de Información e Investigador ...

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Francisco Camargo Santacruz

Metric-oriented Executive with more than 25 years of experience on multi-industry busin...

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Héctor Ulises Fernández de Lara

Ing. Héctor Ulises Fernández de Lara. Ocupa actualmente el cargo de Director Finanzas C...

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Jesús Aguilar González

Computer Systems Engineer (ITESM - 1997); with Master's degrees in Business (EGADE Busi...

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Jesús Salvador Cepeda Barrera

Jesús es un tecnólogo apasionado por el futuro de las ciudades y los nuevos modelos de ...

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José Guadalupe Escamilla

Dr. José Escamilla has been the Director of TecLabs ¿ Learning Reimagined, the disrupti...

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Josefina Rangel Sánchez

Con más de 20 años de experiencia enfocada al servicio y logro de objetivos personales ...

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Macedonio Alanís

Dr. Macedonio Alanis is Full Professor of Management Information Systems at Tecnologico...

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María Del Socorro Jaqueline Marcos Marcos

In 1984 Maria initiated her career at Tecnológico de Monterrey Campus Monterrey as a Pr...

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María Magdalena Castro Jaramillo

María Magdalena Castro Jaramillo es maestra en Administración de Tecnologías de Informa...

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Mayra Quintanilla Gudiño

Degree in Computer Science, Universidad Regiomontana 1986, she also has studies in Chem...

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César Iván González Muñoz

Mi vida profesional empezó en el Tecnológico de Monterrey hace ya 15 años (1999), en do...

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David Ricardo Sol Martínez

Miembro de la facultad en el departamento de Tecnologías de Información e Investigador ...

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Francisco Camargo Santacruz

Metric-oriented Executive with more than 25 years of experience on multi-industry busin...

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Héctor Ulises Fernández de Lara

Ing. Héctor Ulises Fernández de Lara. Ocupa actualmente el cargo de Director Finanzas C...

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