The Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences was designed to provide a unique and solid answer to the country’s need for consolidating top-quality human resources able to conduct relevant research work at national and international levels at research centers, institutions of higher education,  and the industrial sector in order to boost productivity and competitiveness of Mexico’s economy. 

The Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences meets these needs by training highly specialized researchers with knowledge and skills in the following areas:

Mechatronics and Advanced Manufacturing   

Clean Energy and Sustainable Use of Water Industrial Engineering


The objectives of this program are to prepare independent researchers with the capacities, knowledge and skills to:

  • Identify opportunities, and create and manage original research projects at the frontier of knowledge.
  • Disseminate research findings.
  • Apply the knowledge generated for the country’s technological development.
  • Conduct high-impact research on engineering in the country’s productive, education-academic and social sectors.
  • Relations with universities and research centers at a national and international level.  
  • A specialized course of study in research and technological development.  
  • An internationalization program for stays at top universities and research centers around the world is available for the students.
  • The academic program’s faculty is made up of research professors, all of whom belong to Mexico’s National System of Researchers (SNI, Spanish).
  •  Infrastructure and resources to support business incubation and entrepreneurship.
  • Great academic productivity through publications in scientific journals, patents, books, among others.
  • Tecnológico de Monterrey holds accreditations such as: SACS*, CIEES, SEP, and CONACYT**.

*Tecnológico de Monterrey is accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools Commission on Colleges to award bachelor’s, master’s, and doctoral degrees. Contact the Commission on Colleges at 1866 Southern Lane, Decatur, Georgia 30033-4097 or call (+1) 404-679-4500 for questions about the accreditation of Tecnológico de Monterrey.

** See the accreditation’s validity of our programs and their benefits in accordance with CONACYT’s provisions, at Mexico’s National Quality Graduate Programs official website.

The candidate to this program must have excellent academic credentials, hold a Master’s degree in engineering or science, and have a vocation for research in one of the fields of knowledge related to the doctoral program.

Comply with the comprehensive evaluation required in the admission process, through an interview conducted by the admissions committee of the graduate program. In addition, the following is necessary:

  1. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree and/or Master's degree Certificate, where the following information is indicated:
         a. The overall GPA.
         b. Completion date of all the subjects of the study plan.
  2.  Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree and/or Master's degree.
  3. Motivation letter or essay in which the candidate explains the reasons for his or her interest in the program, his or her potential contribution to it and the area in which he or she wishes to develop professionally with a research project.
  4. Curriculum vitae.
  5. Two letters of recommendation in the institutional format, from employers or professors.
  6. Obtain at least 585 points in the adaptive version of the Postgraduate Studies Admission Test (PAEP) or its equivalent in other exams authorized by the Institution.
  7. Obtain at least 550 points in the TOEFL exam or its equivalent in the other exams authorized by the Institution as an instrument for assessing the sufficiency of English language proficiency.

* The admission process may change without prior notice from the Admissions Committee
** Admission is the first step: then you can enroll in your graduate program of interest.


Face to Face


4 years





Ph.D. graduates are researchers who can generate new knowledge by contributing to the development of the state-of-the-art in their field of study. These are people who can be involved in research, teaching, development, and technology management and can innovate, develop, and apply new technologies in industrial and service processes. The structure of the course plan fosters creativity and innovation in problem-solving or in the development of new technologies that will result in the preparation and defense of the doctoral thesis.

Abrahan Rafael Mora Polanco

Abrahan Mora was born in Maracay, Venezuela, on October 29, 1974. He finished the B.S. ...

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Adriana Vargas Martínez

Adriana Vargas Martínez is currently the Associate Dean of Professional Graduate Progra...

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Alberto Mendoza Domínguez

Alberto MENDOZA is a Professor in the Department of Sustainable Technologies and Civil ...

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Alberto Ordaz Cortés

Doctor en Biotecnología (Cinvestav, México), Doctor en Ingeniería Química y Biológica (...

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Aldo Iván Ramírez Orozco

Dr. Aldo Iván Ramírez Orozco is a Civil Engineer. He holds a Master's degree in Hydrau...

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Alejandro Aceves López

He is Electronics and Communications Engineer (1992) and Master of Science with a Speci...

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Alejandro Aragón Zavala

"Throughout my years as a professionist, electronics has given me the chance to create ...

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Alejandro González de Alba

Dr. González graduated from the Monterrey Institute of Technology and Higher Education ...

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Alejandro Juan Alvarez Guerra

Alejandro Juan Alvarez Guerra has had a solid career at the institution for more than 1...

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Alex Elias Zuñiga

Dr. Elías graduated as a Mechanical Engineer in 1983 from Tecnológico de Pachuca then, ...

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Alfonso Avila Ortega

Alfonso Avila received the B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Tecnologico d...

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Alfonso Gómez Espinosa

Twenty-five years of experience in the automation field, designing and building equipme...

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Abrahan Rafael Mora Polanco

Abrahan Mora was born in Maracay, Venezuela, on October 29, 1974. He finished the B.S. ...

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Adriana Vargas Martínez

Adriana Vargas Martínez is currently the Associate Dean of Professional Graduate Progra...

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Alberto Mendoza Domínguez

Alberto MENDOZA is a Professor in the Department of Sustainable Technologies and Civil ...

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Alberto Ordaz Cortés

Doctor en Biotecnología (Cinvestav, México), Doctor en Ingeniería Química y Biológica (...

View profile

Campus Estado de México

  • Materials 
  • Electronic systems
  • Stand-alone systems
  • Agro-food biotechnologies
  • Automotive engineering

Campus Monterrey

  • Mechatronics and Advanced Manufacturing
    The line of research in Mechatronics and Advanced Manufacturing has to do with the analysis and integration of complex systems involving the interaction of multiple disciplines. This line of research responds to the need to prepare researchers with a high level of expertise in Automation, Mechanics, and Electronics.
  • Clean Energies and Sustainable Use of Water 
    The line of research in Clean Energies and Sustainable Use of Water responds to the global need to evolve the focus of operations ranging from treatments for the control of contamination to the concepts of corporate social responsibility. It takes into account the relevance to the economic and social spheres, of use of natural resources with an eco-systemic focus, the care of the physical environment, and the protection of public health, always emphasizing the viewpoint of sustainability.
  • Industrial Engineering 
    Industrial Engineering is concerned with the increase in competitiveness on a global scale, which is a major challenge for all nations, in particular, for their institutions and businesses that will need to constantly increase productivity, efficient use of resources, and creation of value to remain competitive. The line of research in Industrial Engineering addresses the search for and the development and implementation of new ways to operate and improve operational and administrative processes, by means of the development of new and innovative decision making models. 
  • Telecommunications 
    The line of research in Telecommunications contributes solutions to fundamental problems related to networks and systems that transport Information. These solutions permit the design of platforms that propel the digital industry of the future and technologies like the Internet of Things, Intelligent Cities, Smart Transportation Systems, Smart-grid, Big-Data, e-health, 5G, cognitive radio, white spaces, location systems, and sensors to improve the quality of life in the 21st century. Research is carried out to optimize and model, stochastically, the essential comprehension of the fundamental performance of wireless communications and networks, the treatment of signals and Information, the merging of optical and wireless networks, vehicular communications, photonic crystals, aspects of the physical layer, connectivity, modulation, reconfigurable network architecture, sensors, and their applications.  


Campus Estado de México

  • Institut Superieur de L'automobile et des Transports
  • Instrumentación Electrónica para Procesos de Monitoreo Industrial
  • Tamil Nadu Agricultural University Tnau Coimbatore India
  • Bosch (Opt. Carcaza)
  • Henkel Mexicana
  • Theoretical an Experimental Investigation of Carbon Foam Composites
  • Computer Simulation of Physical and Mechanical Properties of Foam Materials
  • Convenio de Cooperación México-Alemania
  • Universidad La Rochelles

Campus Monterrey

  • Optimización Conjunta de Precios e Inventarios
  • Bioinformática 
  • Hokkaido University 
  • Proyecto de Investigación en Nanocompósitos y Modelos Reológicos 
  • Rice University 
  • Technical University of Denmark 
  • The Ohio State University 
  • Centro e Investigación y Desarrollo en Ciencias de la Salud, UANL
  • Control y Automatización en el Área de Energía 
  • Halmstad University-Competitive Intelligence 
  • Centro de Investigación y Desarrollo de Kuo 
  • Metalsa-Lean Production 
  • Minorte S.A. de C.V. -
  • Procesa Chiapas. Manufactura Esbelta y Alineación Estratégica
  • Prolec GE-Desarrollo y Caracterización de Nanofluidos para Transformador
  • Universidad Autónoma de Nuevo León, Facultad de Ciencias Físico Matemáticas 
  • Viakable 
  • Cemex. Cátedra Cemex-Tec para el Desarrollo de Comunidades Sostenibles 
  • Evaluation of Phenolics, Antioxidant and Anticancer Properties of Sorghums 
  • MABE, Querétaro. 
  • Manipulación de Mezclas de Bioparticulas en Microdipositivos utilizando Dielectroforesis
  • Nestlé-Manantial 
  • Prolec GE, S.A. de C. V. 
  • Ternium-Tenaristamsa
  • Universidad Autónoma de Yucatán 
  • Amshoremexicowind_Nye-Wind Resource 
  • Texas Tech University, Lubbock, Tx 
  • Zmbombas_ITESM_Aerodynamiccontrol 
  • Certifiacion Seis Sigma Black Belt Conjunta Itesm-Arizona State University 
  • Elecsol-Td
  • Gipsa- Lab