Prospective studies from different international organizations have pointed out that the world is heading towards changes that impose challenges and demands on schools and educational institutions in general.

The conditions of this century demand from those who lead them a new innovative capacity that may adapt to international and national demands, while leading solutions that are adapted to the local context in which they are found. In other words, executives with high competencies are required for leadership and innovation for solution and improvement.

Since its foundation, Tecnológico de Monterrey has gained experience in the development of leaders and executives in different sectors. With such expertise, it has designed this specialization for the professionalization of managers, now with a clear educational focus that brings leadership and innovation competencies to the field of education.

Being a leader that is capable of transforming education can be achieved through highly specialized professionalization oriented to the execution of innovative solutions through planning, information analysis, the use of technology, and the development of talent.

The purpose of this program is to train professionals with the necessary skills to strategically manage their respective educational institutions and effectively take them to strategically manage their respective educational institutions and effectively take them to the next level of educational quality.

The program is aimed at:

  • Directors and coordinators who wish to enrich their educational institution by strengthening their leadership and linking them with avant-garde tools for schools and applying this knowledge in institutions of the private and public sector and organizations.
  • Future directors and coordinators who wish to obtain a view of the directive function in the educational field.
  • Education professionals with the aspiration of serving as consultants in the private or public sector to guide projects related to the evaluation of institutions, human capital development and institutional management.
  • Owners and entrepreneurs who wish to participate in high-level educational projects linked to educational services for institutions. Social entrepreneurship, indispensable in new globalized and digital contexts.

Comply with the comprehensive evaluation required in the admission process, through an interview conducted by the admissions committee of the graduate program. In addition, the following is necessary:

  1. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree Certificate where the following information is indicated:
    1. The overall GPA.
    2. Completion date of all the subjects of the study plan.
  2. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree.
  3. Motivation letter or essay in which the candidate explains the reasons for his or her interest in the program, his or her potential contribution to it and the area in which he or she wishes to develop professionally.
  4. Curriculum vitae.
  5. When applicable, submit two letters of recommendation in the institutional format, from employers or professors.
  6. When applicable, take the Postgraduate Studies Admission Test (PAEP), and obtain at least 500 points in the adaptive version or its equivalent in other exams authorized by the Institution.
  7. When applicable, obtain at least 550 points in the TOEFL exam or its equivalent in the other exams authorized by the Institution as an instrument to assess the sufficiency of English language proficiency.

*The admission process may change without prior notice from the Admissions Committee

**Admission is the first step: then you can enroll in your graduate program of interest.


On line


1 . 5 years


On line




Once the program is completed, the graduate will be able to:

  • Design and implement educational solutions to complex problems in educational centers, with an ethical and socially responsible perspective, through the use of scientific methods and innovative technologies.
  • Interact with specialists from all the functional areas of the educational centers in order to define the strategies, guidelines and organizational objectives for the institution, in an atmosphere of respect and inclusion.
  • Lead processes of change in complex environments that strengthen the organizational transformation of educational centers promoting transparency and equity.
Elsa Beatriz Palacios Corral

Es directora de Innovación Educativa en la Vicerrectoría Académica y de Innovación Educ...

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Gabriela Torres Delgado

Gabriela Torres Delgado graduated Magna Cum Laude from Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Le...

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Iván Ramírez

El Dr. Iván Ramírez Figueroa es un académico y educador con una formación académica div...

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Joaquín Alejandro Guerra Achem

Joaquín Guerra Achem es actualmente Vicerrector Académico y de Innovación Educativa en ...

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Laura Esmeralda Guzmán Rodríguez

Laura Esmeralda Guzmán-Rodríguez holds a PhD. in Business Competitiveness and Economic ...

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Leonardo David Glasserman Morales

Leonardo David Glasserman Morales is an Associate Research Professor in the education d...

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Rodrigo Urcid Puga

Full time professor in the Department of Media and Digital Culture, Campus Puebla. Spec...

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Elsa Beatriz Palacios Corral

Es directora de Innovación Educativa en la Vicerrectoría Académica y de Innovación Educ...

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Gabriela Torres Delgado

Gabriela Torres Delgado graduated Magna Cum Laude from Universidad Autonoma de Nuevo Le...

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Iván Ramírez

El Dr. Iván Ramírez Figueroa es un académico y educador con una formación académica div...

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Joaquín Alejandro Guerra Achem

Joaquín Guerra Achem es actualmente Vicerrector Académico y de Innovación Educativa en ...

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