The Residency in Neurological Pediatrics is a clinical specialty focused on preventing, diagnosing, treating, rehabilitating and studying neurological disorders in children and adolescents in their different stages of growth and development, such as metabolic problems, malformations of the central nervous system, convulsive crises, and neuromuscular, motor, language, learning and other problems related to neurodevelopment.

The training of specialists in Pediatric Neurology is particularly relevant for the community because the neurological, pathological processes that are most prevalent in the population begin in infancy and adolescence or are characteristic of these phases, such as epilepsy (1.5%), learning and communication disorders (5 to 10%), infantile cerebral paralysis (5/1000), mental retardation, pervasive developmental disorders (autism) (1/125), congenital malformations, infections of the central nervous system, craneo-encephalitic trauma and other disorders. Approximately 33% of the population of Mexico is under 15 years old (INEGI 2003), but there are currently fewer than 200 pediatric neurologists in the nation. In fact, certain states have only one pediatric neurologist and others none at all.

Training as a pediatric neurologist in the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of Tecnológico de Monterrey offers the resident and future specialist many advantages: an academic program based on competencies, which emphasizes the knowledge, skills and techno-scientific abilities of the specialty, such as training people to act as agents of change and transformation in their communities and in their area of specialty; multidisciplinary formation based on neurology, pediatrics, neurodevelopment, neuropsychology and the basic neurosciences, such as neuroanatomy, neurophysiology, molecular genetics, neurochemistry, neuropathology and neuroimaging; a multicentered operating model, that has primary and secondary bases in different public and private hospitals; leading-edge, internationally competitive infrastructure and technology in the Zambrano Hellion Medical Center for training in the areas of neurorehabilitation, neuropsychology, neurophysiology, neurosurgery and psychiatry, and interaction with neurological pathologies from the newborn to the adult stage; an innovative teaching-learning model, centered on the student and the patient and incorporating well-structured programs of research, medical education and ethics; and opportunities to experience other national and international academic models and medical attention within the field of specialty.

The principal aim of the Residency in Pediatric Neurology of Tecnológico de Monterrey is to train exceptional Pediatric Neurologists, who meet the healthcare needs of children and adolescents with neurological disorders, according to the highest quality and safety standards, in public and private healthcare institutions. It also seeks to prepare individuals with integrity and a humanistic outlook in their clinical, teaching and research practice, while strictly adhering to ethical principles and the standards of professional practice. Pediatric Neurologists who graduate from this institution are outstanding leaders in both local and international settings; they contribute to the development and transfer of knowledge in their specialty, through publications and active participation in academic and professional forums; and they collaborate with the training of specialists in this discipline through teaching and continuing education activities.

The Residency in Neurological Pediatrics of Tecnológico de Monterrey is directed to doctors who have finished their specialty of Pediatrics, with excellent academic results, with a vocation for, and interest in, the discipline, research and teaching, and committed to continuous learning. For admission to the Residency in Pediatric Neurology of the School of Medicine and Health Sciences of Tecnológico de Monterrey, candidates must satisfactorily meet all the graduate admissions requirements of Tecnológico de Monterrey and of the Ministry of Health.

Comply with the comprehensive evaluation required in the admission process, through an interview conducted by the admissions committee of the graduate program. In addition, the following is necessary:

  1. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree Certificate where the following information is indicated:
    1. The overall GPA.
    2. Completion date of all the subjects of the study plan.
  2. Simple copy of the Bachelor´s degree.
  3. Motivation letter or essay in which the candidate explains the reasons for his or her interest in the program, his or her potential contribution to it and the area in which he or she wishes to develop professionally.
  4. Curriculum vitae.
  5. Two letters of recommendation in the institutional format, from employers or professors.
  6. Obtain at least 550 points in the adaptive version of the Postgraduate Studies Admission Test (PAEP) or its equivalent in other exams authorized by the Institution.
  7. Obtain at least 550 points in the TOEFL exam or its equivalent in the other exams authorized by the Institution as an instrument for assessing the sufficiency of English language proficiency.
  8. Submit a file with the result of the ENARM Exam and psychometric exam.

*The admission process may change without prior notice from the Admissions Committee

**Admission is the first step: then you can enroll in your graduate program of interest.


Face to Face


3 years





On completing the Residency in Pediatric Neurology, participants will be able to:

  • Plan, coordinate and execute, based on science and with a humanistic orientation, the comprehensive care of children and adolescents with neurological disorders;
  • Act as a consultant to other specialists or general practitioners and, after a full, appropriate evaluation of their patient, immediately request the collaboration of other specialists if necessary;
  • Design, implement or collaborate in educational programs aimed at their own professional development, the healthcare team to which they belong, and the patients and their family members;
  • Apply the scientific method when researching problems in their professional practice and use the findings obtained to solve them.

The unique characteristic of this program is its emphasis on ambulatory Pediatric Neurology, Neuropsychology and Neurorehabilitation. The pediatric neurologist who graduates from the program will be able to practice in ambulatory neurology and in diverse hospitals with their own patients or as a consultant in emergency, inpatient or intensive care services; in prepaid service or medical insurance organizations; in pediatric departments of teaching institutions or universities and in the government healthcare system; in neurorehabilitation institutions, etc. They will be trained to attend all sectors of the population in every type of ecological environment.



Dr. Raúl Fernando Calderón Sepúlveda: Director del programa.
Dr. Mario Peral Ríos
Dr. Carlos Aguirre Velázquez
Dr. Arturo Garza Peña
Dr. Carlos Iván Salazar Cerda



Epilepsy is the most common chronic neurological disorder; it has great implications in terms of costs in health systems and quality of life of patients. The objective of this LGAC is to seek to optimize the treatment of these patients to improve their quality of life, as well as direct our investigations to this condition, on epileptic seizures their comorbidities and their assessment through anxiety and depression scales, sleep quality, and video electroencephalography and imaging studies.

Pervasive Developmental Disorders (PDD) and Neuromotor

The increase in the frequency of autism spectrum disorders, which has a great impact on the quality of life of the patient and the family, for the costs of treatment in addition to the time spent. For this reason, we consider it extremely important to implement study protocols for the early identification and investigation of evaluation instruments, therapeutic and pharmacological treatments of patients who suffer from it. On the other hand, attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity can negatively impact the quality of life, work and social capacity of patients who suffer from it, for which, through this line of research, we seek to identify the disorder and its comorbidities in a timely manner, impacting our patients for their better performance and integration in the academic and social spheres. In addition, it seeks to focus part of the LGAC studies on issues related to pathologies such as myopathies, neuropathies, and problems related to weakness in acute or chronic flaccid limbs as well as increased muscle tone "spasticity” that present a motor unit disorder.